

I took the pictures. My biggest thought is OH My UGghHHh!! I don't think I've ever taken an honest look at Myself. I am blown away! Crap, I think I'm actually holding the world in place. At least that is how I feel. If there is a tornado, hold on to me because we won't be going ANYWHERE!

On a brighter note... I am thankful to have the pictures. I need the reminder of what I don't want to be. Of WHO I don't want to be. I want to change. What better reminder then pictures of how I currently am? Jaded girl...take a good long hard look at yourself!
I'm keeping that outfit too, as horrendous as it is. I'm going to take all my update photos wearing just that. I look at those pictures and I can see the areas that I want to work on. I want to watch it all melt away. I long to see the real me.
Another positive note... I checked the scale. 220 "What the hell?!" I thought. ((((WOW)))) I don't know if it is accurate and I am vowing that I will no longer weigh myself unless it is a Monday.

Plans for the day... Chicken Cesar salad, carrots, water water water. Dinner might include rice, chicken and asparagus. Elliptical machine, Ab lounger and a long hard walk!

1 comment:

  1. WOOOHOOO! Challenge starts in 2 days!! Dont forget to change the clock ;)
